Rayko Stantchev was born in Bulgaria, but he went to school in the United Kingdom and later to the university of Exeter where he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Maths and Physics combined honours in 2013.

Immediately after, without a Master’s degree, in Exeter he started a PhD in experimental physics working with a THz spectrometer and spatial light modulators. His PhD focused on the experimental implementation of non-invasive THz imaging using single-element detectors, with the addition of adaptive undersampling techniques.

Upon completion of his thesis, in 2017, he moved to Hong Kong for a postdoc with the THz group of E. Pickwell-MacPherson in CUHK, where he focused on implementing a single-pixel THz camera for in-vivo THz imaging. In Sep/2022 he then moved to Taiwan to be an assistant professor at the National Sun Yat-sen University, whilst holding an honorary research fellow position at the University of Warwick.

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  • Terahertz hyperspectral imaging
  • Single-pixel cameras
  • Compressed sensing
  • Femtosecond physical phenomena


Work Experience


Assistant Professor

National Sun Yat-Sen University, Department of Physics

September 2022 – Present Kaohsiung, Taiwan R.O.C.
Teaching Physics courses and doing research in Optical Physics

Postdoctoral Researcher

University of Warwick, Department of Physics

October 2021 – August 2022 Coventry, UK
Responsibilities include: Help supervising PhD students, preparing manuscripts and rebuttals, research into single-pixel THz cameras.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Electrical Engineering

June 2017 – September 2021 Hong Kong
Responsibilities include: Help supervising PhD students, website maintance, perpetuate the use of two THz labs, preparing manuscripts and rebuttals, research into single-pixel THz cameras.
